Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Home Sweet Home - Installed the HOME switches and tested them.

I am really excited about today's post. I've had the milling machine since about 2001 or so... and this is the first time I have completely retrofit it with a full set of automatic homing switches. I got some magnetic sensors which are impervious to dust, moisture, noise, and all the other "stuff" that usually would interfere with being highly accurate.

I can now tell the machine to find "HOME" and it will automatically move to the proper locations... not only that... but it has an amazing accuracy of about 1/75,000 inch or so.

That's 0.00075 inch or about 0,01905 mm give or take... a piece of paper is 0.003 inch. (0,0762mm)

I was hoping to get it within 1/1000 of an inch... so I'm very happy with this!!!

Video - Home Sweet Home - January 6th, 2015

Be sure to leave a comment!


  1. Have you measured the backlash? IE go out an inch, back 1.5 and out 0.5 and see if that's hitting the same spot as when you go out 4 and back 4.


  2. Very Cool ! I hope I get to talk with you about this sometime. Bill

    1. This is the first time I noticed the comments... any time you want to chat look me up on Google hangouts or send an email to jerryarutherford(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll get back to you.

  3. Very cool. I am retrofitting an old Anilam CrusaderII with servo motors, which had limits switches, but no homing, so your info has been very helpful.

    1. Keep watching... I'm doing even more updates. I am also putting all the info here: click on the CNC tab from there.
